Sunday, June 22, 2008

Taking it OFF!

Yesterday I had a great day to myself. Hubs took care of the Little guy and I pretty much played all day. Some of my play included registering at Babies R Us and Target - which I probably should have done months ago - but oh well. It's done now.

Anyway, when I got home Hubs and I were talking upstairs and Little One went downstairs. Pretty soon we heard him say "drawing! green!" and then the sound of a marker cap hitting the tile floor. We scooted downstairs. He had pushed his stool right up to the counter, grabbed a green sharpie out of my pen container and drew on the tile counter top. Hubs and I looked at each other.

"Do they make some kind of sharpie remover?" He asked.

Then I recalled a previous conversation that I had had with Carrie. She had told me that bug repellent - that's right, OFF or anything of the sort - will take permanent marker off. I ran to get our bug spray - sprayed the counter, and viola! It came right off using a paper towel! Easy as pie., it's okay to put something that removes permanent marker on our skin??


Lara said...

You seem to have all the answers for these unexpected life happenings. I'll just let you do all the research, then I'll just read your blog to find out how to fix everything. It's great! ;)

Susan said...

I need to store this in my mommy brain. I saw JR playing around with markers....

asnipofgoodness said...

My little one just recently got marker on my mom's painted coffee table. I'll have to try that out....that is scarry that we are spraying something like that on our skin. I actually don't use bug spray, I always felt like it was worse then the bugs,lol. thanks for the tip!!

Anonymous said...

I got to tell two different people over the weekend about the Off removing Sharpie! I don't think anyone believed me, though! :-)