This is the extent of our dressing up this year - Little One wants absolutely nothing to do with it. We chose a Tyrone Backyardigans costume - it lasted maybe three minutes. Both Daddy and Mama picked out different capes so he could go as a super hero (Note to self: when picking out a cape for our sons - make sure it's one that Daddy approves of!) only to get a "No CAAAPE Mama! I fly!" And he started running around the room - obviously telling me that he doesn't need a cape to fly.
We haven't decided what to do this evening - The fact that there isn't going to be any dressing up on his part, and that he is kinda freaked out by the Holloween isle in Target, has left us with this question: What should we do on Friday night??
We've decided to head out to a farm that is about an hour away and participate in their fall activities. Daddy's getting off work early and we'll pack a picnic dinner. And hope to roll in the driveway right about the time all the trick or treating ends. Don't get me wrong, I'd love to be the generous giver of candy - but this year, I don't know that we want ghost and goblins coming to our door. It's a little too real for our little two year old.
Hopefully I'll have some fun pictures to post! Until then, I've got to get busy so we make it out the door on our little outing!
We're heading out to Chick-Fil-A and Reformation Celebration and hoping not to return until trick-or-treating ends. Yeah, we don't like the scary costumes at the door, either. When funds are low we also don't want to spend money on candy to pass out to hundred or so who would be here to partake. Have a fun outing!
Eric and Lion =) just headed out to trick-or-treat in the dorms. I'm home with a stomachache. =( Hope you had a fun outing!
Oh, your outing sounds fun! I hope it was! What constitutes a cape that Daddy approves? Just curious - hope you had a great time!
Sounds fun. We took our "Batman" for his first real trick-or-treat outing and he loved it. Of course, he's been whining all day today to go trick or treating again. :-)
Sorry the Tyrone costume didn't work out. :-(
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