This fall I have joined a Bible study for moms. Most of the moms in the group have younger children - it's a group I have really enjoyed.
This is the book we are going through - and let me tell you, it's an amazing little book. Remember I said that I don't have time for devotions. This book is perfect for this season of my life. It walks you through praying 12 weeks of specific characteristics for your children, things like kindness, humility, obedience... and each day there is one Bible verse, and one prayer - where you can insert your child's name. These days, I need a bottle of Word fed to me.
But here's the deal. This book, in all it's simplicity, is really one of the most challenging studies I have done. Each week I find that I need to do some major cleaning out of my own heart in order for my prayers to be effective for my sons. For instance, I'm praying that little One would be kind. Then, I listen to my words in the course of the day - and have caught myself with not a whole lot of kindness in my tone. How can I pray for my sons to be kind - I need to be praying that I will be kind! That's just one small example. Each week there has been this kind of revelation - and He seems to go a little deeper each week. Just focusing on one verse a day has proven to me: "For the word of God is living and active. Sharper than any double-edged sword, it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow; it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart." Hebrews 4:12
Anyway, I completely recommend this book for busy mamas. How about you? Have you read this book or do you have any that have helped you get through a busy season?
OUCH! That really struck home to me too Rebecca. I need to watch my tone during the day if I want my boys to take after me. Thank for you this little commerical, I'm going to look for this book myself.
As a side...we are watching Soli this weekend, including overnight...AHHHHHHH, I need that book ASAP!
I'd never heard of this book, but it does sound like a challenging and insightful read!
That books sounds great. I need to order that, I am finding my self getting frustrated lately with this toddler of mine. The kindness, I am not sure I have been the best example at all! Thanks for the tip.
I am storing this tid-bit of information for when the time comes that we have kids. It sounds like a great book, maybe even for a baby shower... Miss you.
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