In the past month, we've found some real treasures. My sweet husband won a gift certificate to the restaurant Romeo's - pictured above. The day he won the certificate we had childcare scheduled through the y - perfect! It was a delightful place, live pianist, great Italian food, reasonable prices and wonderful service. The pianist even came to our table to ask if we had any requests! We'll definitely go back. I'd like to go back and sit on that sweet balcony. We'll have to do that before it gets too hot...
While my parents were here we took a day trip to attempt to find all of the infamous fields of Texas blue bonnets. (Similar to going to look for fall colors you only have a certain window of time before they are all gone.) We weren't very successful. I'll have to learn more about it and try again next year. However, we did end up in Fredricksburg - a town about 90 miles away. It is a sweet German town - and I could spend a lot more time there. Susan, I thought of you often and wondered what you would think of my Texan-German town. There were a ton of fun stores - so many that we didn't get to them all. I am thinking that it will be fun to go and spend the weekend there around Christmas time and do most of my Christmas shopping there. We found a market stand from a local farmer that was full of homemade/homegrown jams, pickles, butters, honey, and nuts. I bought a pound of freshed-shelled walnuts for $6.00. Such a deal!
Another thing my mom and I did while she was here is we went to a garage sale. And this garage sale was a jackpot! First of all, it was run by a lady who comes to your home and hosts and runs your garage sale. You can sign up to be on her email list and she lets you know where she is going to be - and what kinds of things she'll be selling. This last weekend she was at a home where the dad of the family worked for a golf store - and Hubs is getting into golf and needed a few things. So, we headed out and jackpot again! He got a golf bag, glove, balls, and a bunch of other things that are in nearly perfect condition for $55.00. Now, I don't know much about golf but hubs said that the balls alone would have cost that much.
Okay - so for some of the fun things that we found at the first garage sale:
Here are my gardeners - Gree-ma and Little One.
And this tray - My favorite flower is the daisy - and I can't wait to find something fun to do with this item. I love how whimsical it is.
And lastly, I am learning to check out our local Goodwill often - I found this Little Tykes toy for $3.99 - and Little One loves it - especially the mailbox. It's really a toy that is made for smaller kids, but no worries - little brother will get lots of use out of it.
And this is the major bargain - we were dropping some goods off at Goodwill and my mom spotted this Radio Flyer tricycle - and it was marked $4.99! It is in perfect condition - it has a little bell, and a sweet little basket in the back. Little one is learning how to peddle - and he calls it "my bicytricycle!" Which is the same word he uses for motorcycle.
Have a wonderful day!
That restaurant looks so cute - it looks like it could be in Old Colorado City!
I loved all your finds, especially the flower pot! So cute!
Fun stuff, Beck. Thanks for sharing!
I'm an avid thrifter REbecca and looks like you've found some fabulous finds!!! It reminds me to go check out Goodwill today-have not been in a bit. keep your eyes peeled for funky flat queen sized sheets-all sorts of different patterns. I'm using them for backdrops;)
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