Monday, April 27, 2009

Restoring Order - the reading nook

I hope you had a restful weekend. I am looking forward to the week ahead - as there is a lot planned. We are leaving town Wednesday - so I'm going to be bustling about packing and whatnot. But, I have one little project that I'd like to accomplish before we leave town.

This week I'm back in the boy's room. Right now there is a bookshelf that contains a lot of stuff - but no rhyme or reason to it. I'd like to move that bookcase out of the boys room and create a reading area. And I'd like to gather all the kids books throughout the house so they are in one place. The only exception would be the ones that are good night stories. Those will be located in their room.

That's it for me - How about you? What project are you hoping to wrap up this week?

Even though I'll be out of town, I'll be sure to post Mr Linky on Friday - so we can keep it up!

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